Use "intermeddle|intermeddled|intermeddles|intermeddling" in a sentence

1. In the cloister, what is called the "government" is only an intermeddling with authority, an interference which is always questionable.

2. "Champerty” is defined as a particular kind of maintenance, where one officiously intermeddles in the legal action in exchange for a share of the subject matter or fruits of the litigation, if the action succeeds

3. The tortfeasor is responsible only to the extent of the damage done (not the full value of the property) from dispossessing another of the Chattel, using or intermeddling with a Chattel in the possession of another, or damaging the Chattel.

4. “Champerty is a form of maintenance, and occurs when the person maintaining another takes as his reward a portion of the property in dispute.” ( Unruh v Seeberger (2007) 10 HKCFAR 31 , para 85) Maintenance and Champerty were made criminal offences to combat officious intermeddling in litigation and prevent the subversion of justice during

5. On 12 June 1626, the Commons launched a direct protestation attacking Buckingham, stating, "We protest before your Majesty and the whole world that until this great person be removed from intermeddling with the great affairs of state, we are out of hope of any good success; and do fear that any money we shall or can give will, through his misemployment, be turned rather to the hurt and prejudice of this your kingdom than otherwise, as by lamentable experience we have found those large supplies formerly and lately given."